GitHub Actions On Autopilot
Proaction automatically keeps GitHub Actions updated and working as expected.
Proaction monitors any GitHub Action workflow and keeps track of all dependencies to create recommendations to ensure that the workflow execution is reproducible, secure, and up-to-date.
Proaction Features
Proaction scans your GitHub Action workflows and recommends best practices while watching any Actions you are using for changes.
Reliable builds
Proaction creates more reliable builds by encouraging stable, deterministic versinos of Actions.
Best Practices
✔Find and suggest changes to Action references that don't change
✔Monitor dependent tags for when they change
✔Docker image and GitHub references fully supported
Updated Actions
Proaction keeps your workflows updated by making Pull Requests when there's an updated Action available.
Outdated Actions
✔Stay up-to-date when an Action changes
✔When a forked action is available in upstream, automatically move back
✔Receive bug fixes while running reproducible workflows
Secure workflows
Proaction keeps your workflows secure by using patched Actions and Dockerfiles.
Best Practices
✔Easily update to patch and minor updates of Action
✔Workflows are edited on your schedule, not when a workflow breaks
✔Runs locally or in CI
Policy Engine
Create and use Open Policy Agent policies to define rules for your Workflows.